Monday, September 30, 2013

Sensory Skills in down syndrome

Sensory Skills Development
Sensory skills in deferentially able kids are somewhat poorly developed.If such kids are asked to do multiple things at a time.They get confused and are unable to differentiate in to multiple commands.If asked to perform multiple activities at one go then it is not easy for them to follow many instructions at the same time.In such cases small tasks are given individually and then are clubbed together in small steps.Once they win over small instructions then this chain is maintained until they achieve  expected level.
While the physical sensory issues are concerned,some children have higher sensitivity for certain textures,surfaces,noise,light etc.If such issues are found then some therapy sessions are planned in support of OT .Once corrective  measures are started slowly we can overcome such issues.
Some kids freak out or behave violently if their demands are not met or if in case they are not comfortable in certain conditions.Such conditions are not uncommon in normal kids too.But such situations in kids with disability are usually taken care in early intervention programs.Small teaching plans with small targets are made and worked upon.There are incentive's for every small step  kids achieve.
Younger years are the stepping stones for the childs life.Good habits act as building blocks for the coming years.Slowly and gradually with extreme patience family,counselor,therapists and support groups all join hands to enhance beauty and productivity of life for all disabled kids. 
These were the negative sensory issues but if we see positive side of coin all kids with disability have some or the other sensory skills beautifully developed.Which can be strong pillar in their life.That can help them build their career,protect them.They build emotions and have strong sense of security naturally.

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