Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Medical Issues In Downs

Down syndrome comes in package with multiple physical disorders.It affects commonest body organs to bigger health issues.Respiratory infections due to nasal structure to hearing and vision impairment.Mild to Moderate hypothyrodism caters to poor prognosis.To my despair physical conditions affect mental as well psychological concerns.
When i see to down children families what pinches more is the psychological effect on child that bothers more than physical aspect.Physically conditions like thyroid and heart defects are easily managed by medical science.
Effect of hear loss and vision loss on cognitive development and impact of sleep disorders,dementia and Alzheimer are mild poisons. Neuro behaivoral disorders worsen the condition.
Medical fraternities in countries like US,Uk and Ireland have specific guidelines to deal in such medical conditions.Often we are unable to treat them as normal human beings remains the most important underlying fact that makes their life more difficult.


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